er, or be killed by a car when gog out(可能会喝水被呛死,可能出门被车撞死。)”
边说,渡边拓也嘴角勾起一抹笑,“or there ight be a big fire at ho when they are sleepg and they uld be burned to death by the fire alive(也可能睡觉时家里发生大火,被火活活烧死。)”
“are you kiddg this will kill everyone here(你在开玩笑吗?这会害死这里的所有人。)”
“are you kiddg too, iss atshia(你也在开玩笑吗?松岛小姐。)”渡边拓也语气一转,看着松岛千夏的眼神带上冷意。
“to sueed, there are bound to be casualties i thought the governnt had told you the oute when they sent you here(想要成功,必然会有死伤。我以为政府派你来,已经告诉过你结局。)”
“the governnt only told to supervise the fal cereony here, not that it would kill everyone here!(政府只告诉我过来监督最终仪式,没有说会害死这里所有人!)”
“if the strength of japan is achieved by steppg on the deaths of these people, then such strength is tolerable by heaven"s w!(如果樱花国的强大是踏着这些人的死亡上去的,那这强大天理难容!)”